People Watching
32′ and 12′ | Cuba, Italy | HD | 2012 and 2016
“People watching” is a film about watching, made of a series of portraits of people in a public space while they are watching something we don’t see. The audience can only grasp what it is the object of their attention.
This work is a reflection about the relationship between performative art, public space and filmmaking, through a role game. People portrayed watching other people performing became a performer.
Shooting during Contemporary Dance Festival “Interference in Teramo (Italy) and Festival DVD Danza in Havana (Cuba).

– DVDanzaHabana, 12º Festival Internacional de Videodanza, Havana (Cuba), 2016
– Festival Interferenze Urbane, Teramo (Italy), 2012
– Gran Teatro de La Habana “Alicia Alonso”, Cuba, 2016
Technical sheet
Duration: 32′ and 12′ (2 versions)
Genre: Experimental documentary
Year: 2012 y 2016
Produced by: Francesca Svampa
Direction: Francesca Svampa
Music: MUI Band “The giant dwarf”